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Top 10 Proven Ways to Get More Instagram Followers
26 May 2020

When it comes to Instagram growth, everyone wants to get more followers and more engagement. But it’s not easy to receive followers on Instagram in 2020 as competition is increasing. There are millions of active users and Instagram is introducing smart algorithms which makes it difficult to get new followers on your Instagram account.

If you are regularly posting content but still not receiving new followers, then you have to change your strategy. There are some ways you can use in order to get more followers and grow yours & your brand’s Instagram account.


  1. Use Trending Hashtags

You might already know the importance of hashtags on Instagram, they help reach your posts to a big number of people. That’s why using popular and trending hashtags help you increase your follower count on Instagram.


  1. Post Regularly

Instagram algorithms are more friendly for regular users. Try to post at least once or twice daily, regular posting can help you get more reach and likes on your posts. Therefore, it will help you increase your followers.


  1. Partner Up with Other Users

You should reach out to other Instagram users of similar niche who have a similar or better following than you and partner up with them for cross-promotion. This will help build more audience hence more followers for you.


  1. Interact on Other’s Posts

This is another great way to increase your Instagram followers. Do some activity on other users’ photos, like and comment useful thoughts on their posts. Interacting with other’s content will help you reach more people.


  1. Create a Branded Hashtag

A unique branded hashtag can be created for a particular brand’s promotion on social networks. Branded hashtags can be used in various places like blogs and emails. They spread brand awareness and help gain more following.


  1. Tag Other People

This might not be a new thing for social media people but on Instagram, it should be done in a strategical way and not for spamming. Tag relevant people in your posts to make more connections and get new followers.


  1. Share on Other Platforms

You can also share your Instagram account’s posts with other connections like Facebook fans, Twitter fans, email subscribers, etc. Let them know that you’re on Instagram and ask them to follow you.


  1. Run a Contest

Running a contest on your Instagram account help increase your reach to more and more people which significantly improves your engagement rate and followers count. Make sure to run niche relevant contest to gain relevant followers.


  1. Embed Posts in Blogs

If you already run a website or blog, why not leverage its traffic to increase your followers. You can embed your Instagram posts between the blog posts or sidebar of the website so that visitors can see and interact directly from there.


  1. Use Geotagging

Geotagging is a great feature of Instagram and especially useful to gain local followers. You can geotag your photos so that people with the same location can see your posts and follow you.


So, these are the top and simple ways to follow and you can start getting more followers on your Instagram account. Make a strategy and implement these tips on Instagram. We are sure that you’ll receive more reach on your posts as well as more new followers.

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